Heartworm Testing

Heartworm testing detects harmful parasites that can wreak havoc on organs like the heart and lungs.

Heartworms are parasites that can live in your pet’s heart and blood stream. They reproduce and can crowd your pet’s system causing fatal blood clots. It’s hard to tell whether your pet has been infected by a heartworm so we aim to conduct heartworm testing at every veterinary appointment. Depending on your pet’s lifestyle and where they live, we may suggest more frequent testing. To book an appointment for your pet, call us at 613-354-1020.

How can heartworms harm my pet’s health?

Heartworms can live and reproduce in your pet’s lungs and heart for years without your pet showing signs of infection. They can cause heart disease, lung failure and respiratory issues for cats. In some cases, when there are too many of them to kill through medication, your pet will have to undergo surgery to remove them.

How does my pet get heartworm?

Heartworms are transmitted through infected mosquitoes. When a mosquito bites your pet, they can transfer the worm into your pet’s blood stream. It’s possible that your pet is bitten more than once by an infected mosquito, which can lead to a build up of heartworms in their system. If you live in a wooded area, your pet should be tested more frequently to ensure they’re clear of worms or to get a head start on eradicating them.

What happens when my pet takes heartworm medication?

Heartworms cannot be removed from a cat’s system. That is why preventative medicine is important for them. You can give cats and dogs oral or topical medication to protect them from heartworms. Dogs rely on medical injections or surgery to get those parasites out of their body. Administering the medication is an ongoing process that lasts up to 6 months. The heartworms will break apart as they die. As a result, your pet should be discouraged from being too active to prevent them from getting clogged in their bloodstream.

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