Senior Care

Spaying and neutering provide numerous benefits, including improved health and behaviour.

It looks like your pet is reaching their golden years. They’re wiser but just a little bit less eager to play. That’s totally normal! This just means your pet’s healthcare will need to be adjusted. They will need extra medical attention and positive support to get them exercising. To learn more about our senior care services and what that means for you and your family, call us at 613-354-1020.

What kind of changes will my pet go through as they get older?

As your pet gets older, their immune system will weaken. They’re likely to develop diseases and physical illnesses, such as arthritis, dementia and vision loss. If they do develop arthritis, they’ll find it difficult to exercise and may gain weight as a result. This can put a strain on their body. Older pets are vulnerable to organ diseases in their heart, kidney and bladder. This may sound overwhelming but we promise, these issues rarely occur all at once to one pet. These medical conditions can be detected and treated earlier through semi-annual veterinary appointments.

How can I help my pet transition into their old age?

One of the best things you can do is arrange their semi-annual veterinary examinations. Your pet will need extra medical attention to monitor their health. Not only are senior pets more likely to develop medical conditions but the smaller issues can have a large impact on their strength. Along with staying on top of their wellness checks, it’s important not to neglect administering their parasite prevention medication. They may seem disinterested in physical activity, but with enough encouragement and with the right toys, we insist you keep them moving. Getting them physically and mentally engaged keeps them sharp and stimulated. Just remember: try not to push them too far and respect their limitations.

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