Weight Management

Keeping your pet at their ideal weight range and size with a safe diet regimen.

Did you know that every cat and dog breed has their own ideal weight? In fact, their gender and age also determine their healthiest size. Obesity is a common issue in the pet community. When your pet is overweight or underweight, their life expectancy dramatically decreases because being out of shape puts a strain on their health. As a result, weight management consultations help pet owners keep their pet’s weight in check. To learn how your pet can benefit from weight management consultations, call us at 613-354-1020.

Why does my pet have to lose weight?

Being overweight can introduce your pet to a wide range of medical conditions. They’re likely to develop diabetes, arthritis, high blood pressure and heart disease. If arthritis becomes a major issue in their health, obesity will aggravate their condition as they put weight on their limbs. Getting your pet into weight management consultations will reduce their pain and their chances of forming long term damage to their organs.

What services do you provide that helps my pet lose weight?

Once we’ve learned about your pet’s weight, lifestyle and problem areas, we’ll create a weight reduction plan tailored to their needs. Your pet’s problem areas can vary depending on their personality. Our customized weight loss plan will introduce you to low calorie nutritional foods and techniques to enforce a rigid eating schedule. We’ll also share some great exercises you can do with them at home to get them active.

How often do we have to attend weight management consultations?

The frequency of your visits depends on your pet’s progress. Our veterinarians will schedule follow up appointments every couple of months to weigh them and adjust their weight reduction plan accordingly. We’ll also discuss how things are going at home. This is an opportunity to share any concerns or proud moments you’re having. We’ll be able to share techniques that will help you and your pet stay on track to their weight loss goal.

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